Oct 19, 2010

Just Admit It...

I have a problem with follow through.

I've tried to successfully complete NaBloPoMo at *least* three times, and haven't been able to do it once. I really thought this month might be the month, but last night I blew it.


I always start out strong, with lots of good intentions and hope, and then I just peter out. I lose motivation; it all starts to seem a little bit pointless.

I'd like to say that this only applies to blogging (and it does, to a certain extent. No one is reading this blog and no one really cares if I complete NaBlo but me. Wait. Does that make it *worse* that I can't finish it?), but it doesn't. If I don't have a deadline or someone depending on me for something, it makes it less likely that I'll actually do it. Isn't that sad?

But it explains a lot, doesn't it? Why I can't meet (or heck, even make) any goals? What it really boils down to is that I don't care enough about myself to keep the promises I make to myself.

So, what do I do about that?

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