Oct 27, 2010

A Good Day

Well, I've pretty much abandoned all hope of completing NaBloPoMo (another one bites the dust) this month. Oh, well. Maybe next time.

I did want to commemorate today though. It was a Good Day for me and LZ. Since I spend so much time and energy griping, I wanted to remember a day when there weren't any meltdowns and very little yelling and reprimanding (at least until bedtime, otherwise known as try-mommy's-patience-time).

First of all, I woke up first. No, first of all, I went to bed at a (somewhat) decent hour last night and then woke up first this morning. A whole night of uninterrupted sleep! I really am going to miss those once No. 2 arrives. Maybe I'll get lucky again and he/she will be a good sleeper for the first few months, or maybe even just a Good Sleeper, period (dare I dream?).

LZ woke up happy, with dry panties (yay!).  I don't remember much about the morning, other than it wasn't (too) rushed. I got some laundry done, breakfast was nice and easy (cereal!), LZ had some workbook time and we were out the door in time for gymnastics.

I got my walk in. LZ had fun at gymnastics and I got some reading done (I'm currently reading Nick Hornby's "About a Boy." It's pretty good so far. I read "High Fidelity" years ago and wasn't particulaly impressed. I read "How to Be Good" a few weeks ago and was completely blown away. I'm really surprised at all the negative reviews on Amazon).

I even indulged a wild hair (hare?) for lunch and spent way too much for pizza (with anchovies!). No nap today, not even "quiet time;" after lunch we just went to the library for storytime. Apparently this was the Halloween story time, because all the kids (except LZ, of course) were dressed up. Afterwards, there was trick-or-treating at the various reference desks (which LZ got a kick out of) and there wasn't any wrangling for candy after (she was content with just one piece).

After the library, we went to the playground. I thought I might catch my next door neighbors there, but they weren't there. LZ goofed around for a bit, played with a kid named Seven (I guess that's a thing, now too.) and didn't put up too much of a fuss when it was time to go.

After we got home, we made cookies. I should say, LZ made cookies. We made Agression Cookies, which really were easy enough for her to do on her own. I got the recipe from the "Preschooler's Busy Book," but after an Internet search found that the original recipe came from Peg Bracken and her I Hate to Cook series (I might have to pick those up). Tonight was leftover night, so there was no rush to get dinner done.

We read books, LZ goofed around a bit. When dinner was ready, she actually ate without making a fuss or refusing to eat anything. Since dinner was early, we had time to start her project notebook after eating (I haven't thought of a good name for it yet. It's basically all of her pre-school worksheets dealing with letters, numbers and shapes, arranged in a three-ring binder. I intend to add my own pages to make it a review/learning tool, basically a bastardization of something I found in the Busy Book).

While I cleaned the kitchen, she played with the hole punch (the things that will amaze three-year-olds) and then it was bedtime.

I'd like to say that bedtime was easy, but (alas!) it wasn't, more of the same, actually. I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth, though. I'll take any and all good days I can get, even partial ones!

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