Oct 3, 2010

The Big Thing

Well, I'm pregnant again. I guess that qualifies as big.

That sounds startingly ambivalent, doesn't it? Not meant to. I'm actually very happy about it. It still just doesn't seem real yet; I don't know why.

I mean, I'm definitely showing. I'm about 15 weeks now and I feel huge; I've already pulled out the maternity clothes. I was pretty much showing at 9 weeks. Once it dawned on me (right about the time the DH said, "you're probably pregnant") that the reason I was feeling sick all the time was because I was pregnant (though, in my defense, with LZ, I didn't feel sick at all. With this one, I was nauseous all day, usually whenever I ate), it was already pretty obvious.

I actually went to a bridal shower, maybe, the week after I found out. I was still kind of reeling, so I didn't really want to tell anyone yet. One of the older ladies there (I think it was the bride's aunt) called me out on it. I was all like, "but nobody's supposed to knooow."

I guess I'm just surprised. The DH and I haven't not been trying to get pregnant (if you know what I mean) since about 6 weeks after LZ was born and nothin'. I figured my health issues, added in with my nursing LZ for so long, meant that it was going to be a long road. Nevertheless, about six months exactly after I quit nursing, voila!

I'd read that somewhere, that for some women it takes about six months after ending nursing to get pregnant again, but I didn't really think it would apply to me.

Anyway, I think it's a boy; I have a feeling. But we won't know for "sure" (Ha! You don't know for sure until the kid pops out, I say) until our 20th week (or so) ultrasound. I had a feeling about LZ, too, almost from the get-go and it turned out to be correct. I'm not sure if the DH's wanting a boy is unduly influencing my "gut," but we'll see...

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