Oct 2, 2010

Right This Moment

The DH is watching the Texas-OU game, aka The Red River Shootout (thanks to the god of Wikipedia, I just learned that it's no longer officially called the Red River Shootout anymore. Now it's the "Red River Rivalry." Eh).

LZ is playing Boggle Jr. and I'm fufilling the letter of NaBloPoMo and logging in today's blog posting.

My MiL will (probably) be over later on and I'll make enchiladas.

A pretty lazy day, all in all. In fact, I've spent most of the morning lusting after gorgeous clothes that I'll either a. never be able to afford or b. never be able to fit in or c. am probably too old to wear in public.

Oh, well. My love for EGL is another blog post in and of itself

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