Oct 13, 2010


Update #1
The pick-your-own-veggie experiment was, ultimately, less than successful.

Chalk it up to my city-girl existence, bad luck, bad produce or all three, but I ended up throwing the corn away. We went out Saturday to do our pickin'. To be honest, the dinner I had planned for Saturday didn't go well with corn, so I decided to cook it up on Sunday. Of course, come Sunday, even though the corn was sitting in a bag on the counter, I totally forgot about making it.

Come Monday, I figure, we'll have some (mostly) fresh corn for dinner.

I don't know if I was supposed to inspect the corn as soon as I got home or what, but at least half of our crop had worms. They might have been salvageable, but because I left the corn in a plastic bag in an 80+ degree kitchen for 3 days, the corn that the worms didn't get, the mold did. 

Oh, well. At least the apple cider was good.

Update #2
The rash that LZ had on her back from my off-price foray into bath products was completely gone the next morning. Thank God! I didn't relish telling the doctor that I risked my daughter's well-being by being a super cheapo.

Uh, that's it. Along with millions of others, I've discovered The Black Keys. I've spent the better part of the evening listening to their station on my Pandora and really digging it. 

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